One two three to tha fo….well he didn’t write that. However, 111 clearly is the inspiration behind the modified wheel blueprints. Also finds time on the first and third weekends to help the planets stay in orbit.

But, seriously he is a student of thought, observant in nature, and in constant flow through the gift of creative consciousness. Known to the writing world as 111 the East Texas native is a tribal man. Whose life is a testament to most if not all of his works. Highly competitive with himself to be the best in all endeavors. He often jokes of, “Being the wisest dead being one day. The only ones wise enough to be unafraid of death are those that are already dead.” Yet, the abundance of his soul is not solely to be measured by his enlarging and expanding capital, but by his immortal contributions to the elevating energy displayed throughout this portion of the galactic mind. Prior to his fame life left him with nothing it seemed like besides self. So he began to create after initiating the powers summed up as “Know Thyself”. All that he sought guided him inward. Now 111 like the oracles/Gods of ole share the same sentiments in their cries of “Oh Creator whatever you do don’t take this knowing from me.”

“We live and we learn. Well at least we live…..” -111